Sunday, January 27, 2013

linked2013-- fresh

To my linked ladies -- so sorry I'm late.  I fell asleep at the computer Thursday and didn't finish.  I totally forgot about it and didn't use the computer yesterday.  :)

I had the privilege of linking up with some lovely ladies last year for some weekly photography themes.  The weekly themes became a little overwhelming for some of us me.  This year we have pared it down to 12 themes - once a month.  Thank you Tracy for finalizing a list and organizing.

First up -- Fresh!

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of fresh is: 
Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean
(So fresh and so clean clean)
Any ideas of what that's from?

I think of clean but I also think of food.  Fresh fruit, fresh herbs, fresh baked pies, and  . . . fresh baked cookies.

 Pre-baked cookies, ingredients, my flour container that the top doesn't fit the right way on anymore, and the 1/4 cup of dough I kept out to eat.  Fun fact about me:  I would rather eat the dough without the chocolate chips in it.  Weird?

I'm going to have to share these.  That's the problem I have when I bake.  If I don't share then the boys and I will eat them all.

Please take a moment to check out these wonderful women and what they have to say about "fresh."  Amanda, Hanne, Heather, Heidi, Janet, Jean, Jenn, Kristin, Rhonda, Tracey, and Tracy

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I miss the days when it was above 0

For the most part, I love Minneapolis.  I've spent pretty much my entire life in Minnesota so I guess I really don't know any different when it comes to the weather.  I love the changing seasons and think that I'd have a hard time living anywhere where winter/Christmas didn't come with some snow.  That being said . . . I COULD REALLY DO WITHOUT THE SUBZERO TEMPERATURES!

Remember when it was warm enough that we could spend some time outside?  I took these photos a couple of weeks ago.  Just thought I'd share because I'm hoping that somehow the forces of nature will take pity on me and bring us some warmer weather.  Do I hear 20 or 30 degrees?  Anyone?

My little stink-pot.

It's like he was posing for senior pictures.

He really drives me crazy, but man is he cute.
This is usually the kind of face I get anytime I try to take a picture of them.  Bunch of hams.  Wonder where they get that from?  :)
Let's all be thinking happy thoughts about weather.  I'm counting on all of you.  :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

nobody asked if I was ready for this

There are many milestones in a child's life:  first tooth, first steps, first day of kindergarten, etc.  As a parent, we anticipate these are excited to watch them happen.  At the same time we might dread them a little.  (Maybe it's just me?)  The arrival of these milestones means that are beloved babies are growing up.  We aren't all ready for this to happen.  I'm pretty sure nobody asked me if I was ready for this:

That's right.  My little peanut lost his first tooth today.  He tried calling me from school to tell me but of course, I was in a meeting.  :(  It's ok -- I got to see him right when he got off the bus. 

the little pillow I made him -- you can't see that the white part is in the shape of a tooth and is a pocket so he can put the tooth in

This has been a long time coming.  Joe is 7.  I know many children that lose teeth before they even go to kindergarten or while they are in kindergarten so it's a little out of the ordinary for him to have not lost one yet.  No one ever said we were ordinary.  :)

photo courtesy of James

So happy yet so sad to see my baby reach this milestone.  He's growing up so fast . . . *sigh*.