Sunday, February 24, 2013

the sweet and the funnies

J:  Are you going to lay by me:
Me:  In a little bit.  You know I need 10-15 minutes of mommy time.
J:  How many minutes?
Me:  I just told you -- 10 or 15 minutes.
J:  *long pause* You're doing 10 minutes because I did eeny-meeny and 15 was it.  You know - "you are not it."

Another day we did the same thing.  It was bedtime and I said I needed mommy time before I went in his room.  He asked how much and I said 15 minutes or maybe more.  He said that I could have 16 minutes because that was more.  How generous.

So we're in Target shopping in the clearance section (I live there) and James points to the sign (clearance) and says "Does that say cheep?"  Close enough James, close enough.  :)

I was purging the other weekend and came across some a legal notepad.  Joseph says "Oh, I needed one of those."  Okaaayyyy. . . He then tells me that since I'm a girl I can't see what he's going to write but he will let me see the front page.  He then continues on to write "my friend list" on the left and "my supur friend list" on the right.  (He asked me multiple times if he spelled super right -- he knew something was off.)  Friends were listed with his brother as #1 even though they fought continuously that weekend.  I eventually made the list at #9 -- I guess I should be happy I'm in the top 10.  Anyway, Joe comes home from school on Monday, goes right to the list, and says "Alex gets two checks and Marin gets one."  I asked him why he was giving people checks and he said it was because they did nice things for him.  Evidently Marin gave him a bookmark so he had an extra one at home and then Alex had told him a funny story and then later waved to him in the hall.  ♥♥♥  It's times like this that I feel like a good mom . . . that he has a good heart and maybe I was a small part in making that happen.

Joe was doing his homework and I was trying to explain something to him.  He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at his homework during this.  Then I hear him say "You know you're talking to yourself, right?"  Ummmm. . . I guess I do now.

1 comment:

  1. He's so generous with the mommy time! LOL! Max would love it if I only took 10-15 mins of mommy time. I take a few hours.
    Love the last bit about homework and you talking to yourself. Kids.
    These photos made me smile. :)


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